Article / 12th Jan 2009

South 0.4 Released

After far too many months of quiet feature development and bug fixing, we're happy to finally announce South 0.4, which has a whole host of new features to satiate your every migration need.

The list of new features alone really is quite long; you can see it at, but I'll go through a few of them quickly:

Firstly, there's alter_column, which you just pass a new Field instance into and it will deal with changing the column type, nullity and default value for you. --add-field is also a new option to startmigration, which simplifies the common use case of adding one or more new fields as a migration.

Model inheritance and ManyToMany relationships are both now fully supported, and there's a glut of database support with MySQL being fully matured and SQLite almost there. Even SQL Server has a tiny amount of creation-only support.

So, go check it out, and let us know what you think. If you're in or near London, as well, come along to DJUGL; I'll be talking about South there.